torsdag 17 mars 2016

A letter from a backpacker

Hi mom!
I’m at the hotel right now and it’s 2AM. I can’t sleep and it’s so hot in here so I thought I should write you a letter about what we’ve been doing here in Australia. The shopping in the city was amazing but we got tired of it so we took a plane to Australis best coral reef. 

We’ve been at a amazing beach for two days now and the coral reef is only 15 minutes away by foot. The snorkeling is amazing and we’ve been doing it everyday. There’s a lot of colorful fishes and we actually saw a shark yesterday. The guide told us to get up from the water when he saw the shark. He told us that he didn’t think the shark would hurt us but that it was for the best.

The traditional foods here are amazing but Vanessa hates them so she’s always eating something basic like an hamburger. My favorite Australian food is the sausage rolls, I love them. It’s been a great trip. Vanessa and I have made a lot of new friends and I never thought that we would have such nice weather. I miss you so much and I’ll see you in a few days.

Hugs from me and my best friend Vanessa. 

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